About me and why I’m blogging
Hi, I’m Jo and welcome to my blog. I’m a writer, life coach, and Writing for Wellbeing facilitator. I plan to blog about these three subjects along with mental health, friendships, relationships, writing tips, peri-menopause, wellbeing, and my trials and tribulations of setting up my own business,
Who is my audience?
I want to attract fellow writers (that includes budding writers), creative people, and those interested in coaching and wellbeing.
Why am I blogging about this?
I've dealt with my own mental health issues, which started in childhood, and I want my experience to help others. I still experience bouts of depression and anxiety, and I manage them on a daily basis by writing, going to 1-1 and group therapy, medication, exercise, meditation, trying to eat a balanced diet, social engagement, and creativity.
I’ve done a lot of work on myself, and that is an ongoing process. Writing and journaling helps me to reflect on what works and what doesn’t - it shows me what I need to change and adapt. For example - what works one week, might not work another – the same can be said for months, seasons and years.
At the moment I’m trying to write a crime novel and finish a short story for a competition. As you’ll see from the ‘About Me’ section of my website, I've wanted to be a published author since I was young.
I've discovered that no matter how difficult, dull, scary, exciting, or sad life gets, it can all be material for whatever I’m working on. Writing helps me to express myself and my experiences creatively. Nothing is wasted in life; it can all go into creative work.
That’s why I love being a Writing for Wellbeing facilitator – hearing other people’s experiences and showing them how they can transform their adventures into fantastic pieces of work is so rewarding.
I will write about these topics in my posts as I go along.
I’m a relative newbie to blogging so please bear with me while I work out what to do! My plan is to publish a post at least once a month, hopefully more.
Your help
I need your help: what would you like to hear about when it comes to writing, journaling, life coaching, or therapeutic writing?
How does/has writing or coaching helped you?
Does it help your mental health?
Do you use it to help your creativity?
Get in touch and let me know either on the blog or through my Instagram @thisisjotoo.